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Choose your cruise*
Half day • 1) Aperitif on a sailing boat in Tharros • 4) Dinner on a sailing boat in Tharros all day • 2) Sailboat to Maldiventre Island • 3) sailboat in Costa Verde (Green coast) 3 2days 2 night • 1) Alghero Cruise • 2) Sinis Peninsula and Costa Verde (recommended!) • 3) San Pietro's Island Cruise weekly • Stintino Cruise • Cruise to the island of Sant'Antioco Sardinia Tour • Tour of Sardinia • Cruise to Santa Teresa di Gallura • Cruise to Cagliari - Santa Margherita di Pula 2 days 1 night • 1) One night on the island of Maldiventre on a sailing boat (recommended!) • 2) One night in Tharros with candlelight dinner (recommended!) • 3) One night in the port and two cruises (recommended!) • 4) Cruise to Bosa • 5) Buggerru Cruise (Piscinas)
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